Agency/Organization Program Coordinators (A/OPCs) Travel Training
Lesson 2: Key Participants
Who are the key participants in the GSA SmartPay® program within my agency/organization and what are their responsibilities?
Agency/Organization Program Coordinators (A/OPCs)
- Overall management and oversight of the accounts under their span of control.
- Set up accounts and designate authorization controls.
- Serve as a liaison between card/account holders and the bank.
- Provide ongoing advice and assistance to card/account holders.
- Develop agency program procedures and policies as necessary.
- Audit accounts as required by the agency’s policy.
- Use the bank’s Electronic Access System (EAS) to perform account management and oversight.
Approving Officials (AO)
- Typically the card/account holder’s supervisor.
- Assure proper use of the account.
- Determine if purchases are necessary for accomplishing the mission of the agency.
Card/Account Holders
- Designated by an agency/organization to receive an account.
- Secure the payment solution.
- Maintain records relating to transactions, as required.
- Use the account ethically for official government purposes only.
Designated Billing Offices (DBO)
- Serve as the focal point for receipt of official centrally billed invoices.
- Oversee the proper processing of invoices.
- Ensure invoices are paid within the Prompt Payment Act timeframes.
Transaction Dispute Officers (TDO)
- Assist the agency/organization and the bank in tracking and resolving disputed transactions.
EC/EDI Offices (EO)
- Focal point for electronic commerce/electronic data interchange (EC/EDI) for the agency/organization.
- Oversee the proper implementation of the EC/EDI capabilities and processes.
Who are the key participants in the GSA SmartPay program that are outside of my agency/organization and what are their responsibilities?
Contractor/Issuing Banks
- Enable merchant payments for purchase transactions.
- Establish accounts.
- Issue cards, if required.
- Prepare the monthly statement for each card/account holder.
- Issue invoices to the DBO.
- Provide 24-hour customer service.
- Prepare reports that assist the agency in effectively utilizing the program.
- Examples include Citibank and U.S. Bank.
- Financial institutions that dictate where payments can be processed.
- Facilitate the payment process between card/account holders, merchants, and issuing financial institutions.
- Examples include Visa and Mastercard.
- Source for supplies or services.
- May be a required source inside or outside the government, another government agency, or a private sector merchant.
GSA Contracting Officer
- Administers the GSA SmartPay Master Contract on behalf of all authorized users, including your agency/organization.
- Make changes to the GSA SmartPay Master Contract requirements.
- Legally commit or obligate the government to the expenditure of public funds for the GSA SmartPay Master Contract.
- Render a final decision on a dispute pertaining to the GSA SmartPay Master Contract.
Is there anyone else who will be involved with the GSA SmartPay program?
Agency Management, Inspector General (IG) and Auditors
- Because the GSA SmartPay program is a highly visible program and receives a lot of interest both within and outside your agency/organization, these parties will likely be interested in the performance of the travel program.
- Many agencies/organizations will have periodic audits of the travel program and you will likely be a key player in those audits.
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Congress
- OMB and Congress may also take an interest in the performance of your program.
- Your management and policy office will provide you with more information on handling audits, investigations and external inquiries.